Master Nicholls was met with a huge reception as we entered the hall in which the IIC was to be conducted. After several minutes waiting for the applause to stop the large group was divided into 3 so that tuls could be performed comfortably. It was then straight to work as colour belt patterns were performed and scrutinised by colour belts and black belts alike as they stood on the sides. Master Nicholls made it clear that no one was to feel as though they were being analysed and that it was the tuls themselves that were being focused upon.
Everyone was catered for as we came on in waves to perform various tuls ranging from 9th kup to 6th Dan. The whole room was treated to a marvellous display of Se-jong, something which we are rarely treated to. Students watched in awe as they witnessed their instructors executing a pattern heard of but seldom seen. Master Nicholls stressed the importance of not forgetting these seniors (patterns and instructors) as the day to day implications of teaching can often do.
Read the full report in the Article Section.