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Imperial Competitors
10th May 2007

Congratulations to the following students on the selection success for TeamUK.

Congratulations to the following students on the selection success for TeamUK.

SENIORS Division Result
(Pattern) 1st Dan Reza Hessari
2nd Dan Joel Wilson
3rd Dan Nicholas Gardner
3rd Dan Navdeep Rauli
3rd Dan Bhavesh Premdjee
4th Dan Johann de Silva
5th Dan Mandeep Rauli
5th Dan Lee Hollingsworth
(Sparring) <54kg Riaz Jannow
63>71kg Paul Cain
71>80kg Nicholas Gardner
71>80kg Johann de Silva
80kg+ Gavinder Sidhu
(Special Technique)   Lee Hollingsworth
(Power)   Lee Hollingsworth
JUNIORS Division Result
(Pattern) 1st Dan Reece Nicholls
2nd Dan Graham Pound
2nd Dan Martyn Porter
3rd Dan Matthew Brunger
(Sparring)  >52kg Jamie McAvoy
52>58kg Reece Nicholls
58>63kg Adam Gardner
58>63kg Matthew Brunger
(Power)   Graham Pound
  Matthew Brunger
(Special Technique)   Matthew Brunger
  Reece Nicholls
  Graham Pound


SENIORS Division Result
(Pattern) 3rd Dan Laurie Cornwell
3rd Dan Hannah Thirkettle
4th Dan Hayley Parker
(Sparring) 52>58kg Cheryl Cooke
58>63kg Vicky Church
63>70kg Laurie Cornwell
(Special Technique)   Vicky Church
(Power)   Wendy Richards
  Vicky Church
JUNIORS Division Result
 (Pattern) >53kg Jace McLaughlin
60kg+ Melanie Evans
(Power)   Melanie Evans
  Jace McLaughlin
(Special Technique)   Melanie Evans

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Added: 10th May 2007
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