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Prestigious Award
15th July 2010

Master Nicholls presented with a once in a life time recognition award from Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa IX, ITF President.

I was honoured to be present with our Imperial seniors when "ITF President" GM Choi Jung Hwa made a special announcement of an award never before presented by the ITF was to be issued to Master Nicholls.

The award titled "SAULABI" originates from the Shila, Baekju and Koguryo period. "SAUL" stands for battle or war, "ABI" means person.

This is a presidential award given to a person with unsurpassed service and loyalty. We are proud to have such a Master / Instructor leading the way at Imperial Taekwon-Do. An award well deserved and I'm sure i speak for all Imperial students congratulations!


Mark Skyrme

Master Nicholls Saulabi

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Added: 15th July 2010
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