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23rd March 2021

As we begin to see the possibility of a return to indoor training throughout the UK, I would like to reflect on my feelings regarding the online training provided by UK ITF supported by Trenic TKD Academies through their open-door access to club training.  It is very humbling and motivating to see our members attending the training with so much enthusiasm and supporting my message of the values of being within an organisation like the UK ITF in and around community and ‘you are not alone’.

UK ITF has run a number of direct workshops around free sparring, side kick clinic, 1st Degree Tuls, stretching, stepping and fundamentals and, of course, the great inspirational International Women’s Day event.  Master Rauli will be conducting a session this weekend on kicking leg strength (details will be forwarded today/tomorrow).  Workshops will continue, albeit not weekly, to assist our members and instructors.  This email in particular invites instructors to send to our Technical Committee ([email protected]) questions around the delivered workshops and the upcoming one, allowing us to produce a newsletter to our instructors around technical questions and answers.

The UK ITF is committed to ensuring that all our instructors have the most up to date information to deliver to their students.  Many of you are continuing to conduct activities and once again invite you to tag UK ITF in all social media platforms as it is our want to highlight and celebrate your work within your own club and community.

There are a number of events pending for the remainder of 2021, to which we will keep you both updated and informed, but will require your support and attendance to continue the valued work on your part and revel in the community that we have within UK ITF that we may not have recognised before.

It can be said that emails are generic and not personal but I have no other options in circulating this email as the success of UK ITF is not one person, but all of us, resulting in a generic appreciation.

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Added: 23rd March 2021
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UK ITF Instructors are accredited by the British Taekwondo Council, national governing body for Taekwondo in the UK, which includes DBS/PVG Scheme Enhanced certification, insurance and continued professional development



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