BackBTC COVID-19 Update 23rd September 2020

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23rd September 2020

BTC COVID-19 UPDATE 23rd September 2020

Further to the Government statements issued yesterday, Tuesday 22nd September 2020, DCMS have confirmed to the Combat Sports Group that they do not fall under the description of “team sports” but rather “individual sports” undertaking fitness and training activities within NGB published guidelines, COVID-19 secure and risk-assessed, and safe to continue.

For reference, BTC guidelines include the following safety measures based on the guidance collated from the Sport organisations in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland:

  • anyone displaying COVID-19 symptoms is not permitted to train and advised to follow national guidance for isolation and testing

  • the wellbeing of participants should factor in the activity risk assessment, taking account of all protected characteristics, and sessions planned to be engaging and inclusive

  • face masks to be worn before, after and in any non-playing areas (in Scotland, Northern Ireland) but are NOT required when undertaking physical activities or with a reasonable excuse not to do so, ie a health condition or disability, including hidden disabilities such as autism, dementia or a learning disability

  • participants and instructors reminded to wash or sanitise hands regularly in line with public health guidance

  • 2m2 personal training area to be maintained

  • outdoor activity sessions are limited to 30 maximum, including instructors

  • indoor activity sessions are limited in the numbers of participants and instructors by the BTC COVID-19 risk assessment calculator

  • students are advised to wear socks, non-porous footwear or martial art training shoes when training.  If students choose to train in bare feet, they must have no infections or breaks in their skin and their training area must be disinfected and dried before anyone else can use it

  • no pad work by participants outside family members

  • no sparring or contact activities to be undertaken

  • no shared personal protective equipment is used

  • any bags or training equipment used is sanitised between different users/classes

  • children 10 years and under in Wales and 11 years and under in Scotland do not need to maintain physical distancing between themselves and may undertake the full range of Taekwon-Do activities, including pad work and sparring but instructors must maintain their COVID-19 secure practice, eg maintaining physical distancing and no excessive exertion, ie moderate tone and volume to minimise the risk of transmission via droplets.  There is no such stipulation of ages in England and Northern Ireland, therefore BTC clubs in these countries should align with DCMS guidelines that a person should train within a 2m2 personal training area, regardless of age

  • indoor training areas are thoroughly cleaned before and after use

  • the use of toilet facilities should be avoided but where necessary (for children or disabled participants), are regularly cleaned and sanitised

  • no on-site changing or shower facilities to be used

  • only one parent per child, to remain outside or away from the training area (clubs must comply with the NGB Safeguarding policy and procedures regarding responsible adults present when teaching children)

  • parents/carers to maintain social distancing and wear masks if required in indoor or outdoor areas

  • QR codes or other methods to be in place to record contact information for NHS Test and Protect (Scotland), Test and Trace (England), Test, Trace, Protect (Wales and NI)

  • non-contact payment systems to be used wherever possible

  • safe travel to and from training sessions

BTC support our registered clubs in the continuation of Taekwon-Do activities in line with the above conditions, implementation of BTC policies and procedures and confirm that Professional and Member Insurance remains valid.

This information is shared on the BTC web and social media sites.  All BTC Member Organisations are requested to do likewise and disseminate this information update to all their club instructors, who are also requested to like and/or share on their club sites.

BTC is aware that some venue providers have already suspended the use of hired facilities.  It may assist if this information is shared with facility providers, along with a link to the BTC Administration contact information.  The BTC Executive Officers and administration team will respond to any and all enquiries to clarify and reaffirm this information.

BTC Executive

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