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Master Horan Seminar - 7th November 2015
7th November 2015

"This year marks my 30 year milestone in Taekwon-Do. This has been a non-stop journey, never taking time out but constatly training and teaching through my 30 years" Master Glenn Horan VII Dan. Starting at the age of 14, he was hooked after his first lesson.

"This year marks my 30 year milestone in Taekwon-Do.  This has been a non-stop journey, never taking time out but constatly training and teaching through my 30 years" Master Glenn Horan VII Dan.  Starting at the age of 14, he was hooked after his first lesson.  Master Horan attended a 5 day 9-5 training course with Gen Choi Hong Hi and went straigt to teaching in the evening at either his Watford or Hitchin club.  That week, he was living the dream.

“Who has seen Karate Kid? The first one, the original? That film is why I started”

Master Horan VII started the seminar explaining his 30 year journey of Taekwon-do, why he started and the impact it has had on his life.  Master Horan spoke of the inspirational Masters and others he has trained under throughout the years and that he would draw on his experiences and the developments in Taekwon-do through the years.  Master Horan’s aim was to give a snippet of these influential people he had trained under which went on to include General Choi Hong Hi, Grand Master Hee Il Cho, Grand Master Kim Bok Man, Master Sewell and others too.

The training began with a Grand Master Hee ILL Cho inspired warm up as Master Horan led, progressing on to fundamental exercises focussing on explosive movements letting go of your control and making your hand attacks lead the body and legs, not he legs leading the body and hands. Master Horan demonstrated the goal of complete control and power tapping Mr Bonfield’s ear with a turning kick and then shift Mr Owen back holding the pad with a mid-air kick.  Maximum power, maximum control.  This was followed by pad work getting the students to let go of the aesthetic aspect of the techniques and to push outside of their comfort zones.

We then moved on to conditioning the body to receive a blow.  This was done with a partners kicking and striking in the stomach whilst they tensed utilising correct breath control.  Then some attacking and blocking tool conditioning with partners knocking each other’s forearms and knife hands together.

After the conditioning and a short break Master Horan looked at some formidable fighters and technicians of the past and their rigorous training methods with a quick burst of fitness and some leg strengthening drills which is where the foundations of some of Master Horan’s squad sessions are based on.

Master Horan finished with a performance of how he performed pattern Chon-Ji when he first learnt it nearly 30 year ago, then, how through the constant development and progression of Taekwon-do Chon-Ji is performed now and finally Tong-Il, the last pattern in ITF Taekwon-do.

To conclude the seminar Master Horan spoke of the last 10 years, the founding of the UTA and re-joining the ITF, now under the presidency of Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa and the UKITF under the presidency of Grand Master Nicholls.

Mr Owen V gave commendation to Master Horan, his devotion to Taekwon-do and his world-wide recognition for ability and technical knowledge.  Mr Owen detailed Master Horan’s leadership and guidance, helping the UTA grow to where it is today.  Master Horan is a humble master and wants to give back to Taekwon-do what Taekwon-do has given to him.  Finally Master Horan was presented with a trophy to commemorate the seminar marking his 30 years in Taekwon-do.

On behalf of the UTA committee and all UTA members I would like to congratulate Master Horan on this milestone in his training and devotion to Taekwon-do and we all look forward to training under him as he continues his journey.

John Halter IV Dan

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Added: 7th November 2015
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