A huge well done to Gassor''s Tournament Team members who took part in the UK-ITF English Championships on Sunday 10th July, 2011 who won a fantastic 44 medals with 17 achieving English Champion titles!!!

Gassor''s Tournament Team took 36 students to take part at the Tournament and came away 17 English Champions (Golds), 10 Silver medals and 17 Bronze medals, totalling a brilliant 44 medals for Gassor''s Tournament Team!!!

Medal results are below:

English Champions (Gold Medal Winners):

Arron Rose - Sparring
Carys Blackmore - Sparring
Dana McAvoy - Sparring
Ellis Murphy - Sparring
Georgia Southway - Sparring
Jack Heybyrne - Sparring
James Shaw - Sparring
Jamie Yung - Jump Kick Competition
Jessica Heybyrne - Sparring
Jessie Taylor - Sparring
Jessie Taylor - Jump Kick Competition
Mark Sharwood - Sparring
Michael Williams - Sparring
Rhiannon Nielsen - Sparring
Ryan Gane - Sparring
Samuel Taylor - Sparring
Wahidur Rahman - Patterns

Silver Medal Winners:

Alex Forehead - Sparring
Alex Gould - Sparring
Carys Blackmore - Patterns
Jack Heybyrne - Sparring
Jack Taylor - Sparring
Jamie Yung - Sparring
Taylor Baldwin - Sparring
Tim Porter - Sparring
Tony Fernandes - Sparring
Wahidur Rahman - Sparring

Bronze Medal Winners:

Adam Reed - Sparring
Ayrton Mullins - Sparring
Camron Griffiths - Sparring
Connor Davies - Sparring
Dana McAvoy - Patterns
Gwyn Blackmore - Sparring
Isobel Southway - Sparring
Jack Taylor - Patterns
Jessie Taylor - Patterns
Lewis Hatchard - Sparring
Liam Rossiter - Sparring
Louis Gowing - Sparring
Martin Bebell - Sparring
Martin Bebell - Patterns
Nathan Watts - Sparring
Tomos Sharwood - Sparring
Tony Fernandes - Patterns

Also a big well done to Jordan Casey who gave a brilliant performance at the Tournament too :-)

Master Gassor and Mrs.Gassor-Jones are really proud of all members of Gassor''s Taekwon-do who took part and their fantastic results.  It''s great to see everybody progressing, working hard and having a great attitude.  A massive thank you to all parents/family members who supported us at the English Championships too. 

Gassor''s Taekwon-do would also like to say a big thank you to Mr.Mark Richards, Mrs.Wendy Richards and all at the UK-ITF for hosting a great event and Gassor''s Taekwon-do are now preparing and looking forward to the UK-ITF British Championships in October, 2011!