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A Successful Week for Uxbridge ABC
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A Successful Week for Uxbridge ABC


The date and venue was set, (March 14th, Park Inn Hotel, Bedford) for Tommy Ward of Uxbridge Amateur Boxing Club to make his second outing representing the club. He was matched at 52kg against South Oxhey ABC boxer Daniel Farroll.


Preparation for this bout could not have gone any better; Ward worked immensely hard in the 4 week lead up putting the hours in inside and outside the gym and even making the trip over to our friends at Harrow ABC for some quality sparring. It was needless to say that Ward was very focused on the job in hand.


Weighed in and checked over by the Doctor; it was time to go to work. From the first bell of round one Wards opponent come out with real intention to be the aggressor and his South Paw stance made it all the more difficult for Ward to settle in to any sort of rhythm. After a messy and frustrating first round that could have gone either way the bell sounds and Ward returns to the corner to take instructions from Coach Jamie McAvoy. “Catch him with the straight back hand as he steps in and move off on the angle!”


Round 2 and the forward pressure that Farrell come out with allowed Ward who was now boxing to instruction to land with some clean scoring shots. Relentless in his attacks though Farrell was not willing to make this and easy nights work for Ward and he kept up the assaults despite the shots he was taking on the way in.


Round 3 and with both boys tired it would all come down to who wanted it more. A messy round due to styles not blending but Ward was able to look like the better boxer on the back foot picking shots unlike Farrell who looked like he was chasing the win from behind. The final bell sounded and it all comes down to weather the 3 scoring judges likes the pressure of Farrell or the counter punching from Ward. It was a tense few minutes as the score cards were collected but great relief when it is Wards arm raised for a win by split decision!


Congratulations Tommy Ward on your first win for Uxbridge ABC!!


Next to represent Uxbridge ABC was the clubs most decorated boxer Sian Judd the former ABA Junior National Champion. Disappointed with her loss in the Youth Championships earlier in the year Judd was eager to make a big statement March 19th on the Boston ABC show against Angelica Finch.


After a long drive, making weight and routine doctor’s checks, Judd was eager to go to work. A good warm up done and Judd steps in the ring with a real confidence. The bell sounds to start the first session and Finch moves in fast eager to impress the home crowd. However Judd, famous for her aggression was not looking to take a back step, holding her feet in the centre of the ring and trading blows with Finch. Round one over and by far the weightier, more eye catching shots was landed by Judd. If Finch was going to take the win it was obvious her corner would need to rethink her game plan going in to round 2 as the strength of Judd was really showing.


Round 2 and Judd was able to get off the techniques that have been worked on with Coach Jamie McAvoy (Drawing the lead, shielding and then countering with a strong backhand) This is the attack/defend/attack or 1st and 3rd tactics that are being drilled by England boxing of which Judd is a member of in the 57kg youth squad. It was nice to see Judd showcasing her boxing ability and not just her fight game. 


Round 3 and Finch threw caution to the wind making a desperate attempt to get back in to the fight. Of course Judd was not ready to allow this and was able to find another gear taking Finch well out of her comfort zone and on to the back foot landing heavy shots in the process. The bell sounded to end the contest and Judd raised her hands, confident that the decision could only go in her favour. However boxing away from home, you never know!


Both girls are called to the centre of the ring to hear the judges decision. Judd’s armed was raised with a win by unanimous decision and the second victory of the week for Uxbridge ABC!


A very busy and successful week so far, but it was not yet over! Although tired and aching from her bout the previous night, Judd was still at the gym the following morning for a session with England Boxing coach Mike Hunter as part of the athlete development programme. This session gives a good opportunity to slow things down and work on techniques that suit the individual boxer. Judd was looking good and it won’t be long before she is out representing England competitively.


A special thankyou to Bedford ABC; South Oxhey ABC; Boston ABC; Harrow ABC; Reece Nicholls for coming along to support and Mike Hunter from England Boxing.

Written by: Uxbridge ABC - 30th March 2016

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