Junior ABA Boxing National Championships
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On the 21st and 22nd March 2015, Ponds Forge International Sports Centre in Sheffield hosted the final rounds of the Junior ABA Boxing National Championships. Prior to this momentous occasion boxers took part in regional, area and national rounds to earn their place in Sheffield.

Representing Uxbridge Amateur Boxing Club (Uxb ABC) in the event was Sian Judd in the female 54kg-57kg division. Alongside 3 other girls in the semi-finals Judd was by far the least experienced with only 3 fights to her name.

After successfully making weight and passing the doctor’s examination Judd was off to refuel before her bout later that day, whilst Coach Jamie McAvoy went to the official’s room to oversee the draw taking place. Judd was matched against Beth Warne from Devonport ABC with an impressive record of 5 Wins and 1 Loss. This was no doubt going to be a tough bout for Judd.

The first round was close as both girls traded jabs to have a look for any weaknesses in their opposition that they could punish, making it hard to split them. After strict instructions from corner man Jamie in between the round to step up the pace, Judd put in a big shift in round two beating Warne to the punch with straight shots through the middle. Round three and Warne come out very aggressively knowing she was behind. This forced Judd to box on the back foot throwing sharp combinations and then moving, however she was forced to take a few clear shots in return. The bell rung and it was Judd’s hand lifted in the air with a split decision over Warne.

The final was to take place the next day so it was back to the hotel to rest up and to study the tapes of her opposition for tomorrow’s final; Dayrle Jobling from Ashington ABC. Jobling is the current champion and an international boxer with 15 fights experience. This was no doubt going to be Judd’s toughest test to date!

Morning came and a well-rested Judd once again made weight successfully and passed the doctors protocol examinations. Coach Jamie took Judd off early to start preparing mentally and physically for the fast approaching final. The tactics was revised, muscles were warmed and reactions were sharpened until it was time.

Round one started and it was clear to see that the fight would, as expected, be fought at a much faster pace than that of the previous day. Judd was instructed to use her strength to push the skilful Jobling and to take her well out of her comfort zone. This was carried out perfectly by Judd and the first round could only have gone in her favour. Round 2 and Jobling started to bring her slick skills in to play, getting her shots off and moving; however the sheer pressure from Judd made Jobling work at a pace that she clearly did not like. The final round began and Judd’s incredible fitness started to pay off as she was able to land straight shots at will and continue the onslaught of pressure from start to finish of the round. Not only did Judd land the cleaner shots, she looked like the boxer who wanted the title more. Both girls were called to the centre of the ring and with a unanimous decision it was Judd presented with the belt and crowned Junior ABA National Champion 2015.

After big celebrations coach Jamie was pulled to side by the England scouts present at the tournament and asked to leave detail for Judd as they was impressed with her work and are interested in her boxing at international level for England. This really was the icing on the cake to a real underdog story.

Written by: Trenic - 20th April 2015

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