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Seminar with Mick Flaherty
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Kudos were given from all participants to Michael  Flaherty VI. Dan ITF, Ireland, for management and execution of Tul- and technique seminar this year German-ITF e.V. could welcome athletes of all ages and graduation classes of the following clubs and schools:


So-San Znojmo from Czech Republic, Studio-One Oberhausen, Schwarzgurtschule Recklinghausen, Bushido Dortmund, TKD-Wanne, Taekwondo-DJK Dortmund-Oespel and Jungshin Bochum e. V.


During the first part of seminar all participants could enjoy a sports-program, announced by Mr. Flaherty with the title “Mad Day".


10 different foot- and hand-techniques in various directions should be executed several times in succession by the participants.

The order of techniques and directions was changed during the training. This required from participants highest concentration and precision. Although the training was intense and very strenous, it was very positively accepted by the participants and exercised with pleasure and skill.


Mr. Flaherty was surprised, that nearly all participants could execute the exercises promptly.


POWER OF ENDURANCE  and concentration were the aim of this training.


After a short break, further exercises at the pad followed for POWER and ENDURACE.


Thereafter followed techniques from various Tuls, and at the finish of first part all participants in row run Chon-Ji-Tul 6 times.


After the third time. all participant of various schools and organizations had adapted to each other, that there came about a synchronous Team-tul with more than 50 participants up to the 6th time.


This is  TaeKwon-Do.....we all do one FAMILY

A great feeling for all participants......


Before finishing the first part of seminar and bid farewell to participants with Kup-graduation, the certificates were given, and Mr. Flaherty and Mr. Galinski disclosed the results of Dan-examination of German-ITF e.V. from the eve for participants Michelle Weber (passed for  II Dan ITF) and Richard Brüsemann (passed for III. Dan ITF).


After a short break part 2 of seminar continued for the Dan-holders.


Here followed the Kwang-Gae Tul and some exercised (f.e. Nachuo so sonbadak nullo makki) with explanation and discussions.


Also for this part of seminar Mr. Flaherty and German-ITF e.V. received positive feed-back.


And compliment the youngest seminar-participants on showing good endurance and diszipline.


Last not least some comments from participants:



Super Seminar.....I take a lot of benefit from this day for myself and my training....


It is not necessary to work up an down all Tul at one seminar....


…..we look forward to participate at the next seminarl


A successful seminar!!!



To conclude a successful day there was a homely get-together and dinner.


After a short sightseeing in Dortmund and a good meal in an Indian restaurant on Sunday,

we closed an excellent weekend with tour and saying good bye.


Our special thanks goes to Mr. Flaherty for leading the seminar, and to all those having prepared and attended this event, as well as to all heads of clubs and schools with their students for participation.


Marcus Engler I. Dan

German-ITF e. V.


Written by: German-ITF - 14th April 2015

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