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17 Schools, Over 170 competitors and a burning desire to be the new 2015 STOMP Champion!!!

After a prompt set up and umpire delegation the event was ready to get under-way. Up first were the Generation-X competitors who were looking excited and ready to compete. With spectators watching on from the stands, the students began getting called to their rings………The event was on.

Performing their patterns with clear focus, precision and determination, it was a true pleasure to watch the children performing beyond their years. One by one it was encouraging to see each competitor excited to step up and showcase all their hard work and dedication, taking each decision with courtesy and humility. Once patterns were finished it was time for sparring!!!! Nervous yet fuelled by adrenaline, the young competitors battled it out in the centre of the ring, each giving 100% in every bout.

After a short lunch break it was time for our cadets and juniors to step up and represent their clubs (which they all did in spectacular fashion).  As patterns were being performed it was fantastic to watch the progression from our novice white belts to our experienced junior black belts, performing patterns worthy of the world stage.

As the final medals presentations for patterns were announced it was time to pad up and prepare both physically and mentally for sparring. With current European and World champions in attendance, the atmosphere surrounding the arena was electric as region 1 warriors battled it out for the top spot on the podium. This was also a great opportunity for our up and coming competitors to test themselves against top level competition and an opportunity to provide our junior students with a target to aspire to.

We would like to thank all the instructors and clubs that helped to support the event and umpire team that worked tirelessly throughout the day. We would also like to personally thank all the generation-X, cadet and junior students that supported the day, making the event the success it was.

With each STOMP competition we are still humbled by the maturity and ability of our young students and look forward to seeing them all compete at our next STOMP event scheduled for the 20th June at Brunel University. Let’s all return to our clubs, train hard and prepare ourselves for the next exciting region 1 competition!!  


Written by: Region 1 - 25th March 2015

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