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UKITF Training day and Awards Night
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On the 31st January, the UK ITF held its annual Training day and awards evening. Bosting well over 100 students in attendance, this was a great opportunity to meet and train along-side like-minded friends under the guidance of Grand Master Nicholls and supporting instructors.

After formal introductions and respects paid to our Taekwon-Do founder, the floor was handed to Technical chair Mr Lee Hollingsworth to put us through our paces. After what can only be described as a ‘very thorough’ warm up, we commenced our training by exploring different core and leg strength exercises to help develop power in our kicks. Although tiring, I am sure all members left the session with a new arsenal of teaching methods to take back to their classes.

After a short and much needed break we reformed our lines and prepared our mind set for tul work. Progressing from Chon-Ji through to Joong-Gun, this was a great opportunity to learn from the Masters present (Master Woods, Master Horan and Master Rauli) who were happy and willing to impart their technical guidance and wisdom to the group. There was definitely a feeling that we left this segment of the day somewhat wiser and richer in our Taekwon-Do knowledge than when we arrived.

Tul work done, it was now time to pad up and warm up for sparring. Lead once again by Mr Lee Hollingsworth, we looked to discus and develop upon different sparring drill. To learn from such a renowned competitor and coach was a privilege for all in attendance. We started by working on offensive drills followed by a variety of blocking and counter attacks which we practiced in partners. Mr Hollingsworth then announced that the class would be in for a treat as he handed the session over to our current World Sparring Champions; Matthew Brunger, Jamie McAvoy, Reece Nicholls and Brad Robertson. This was a great opportunity to learn from such talented fighters as they each left the group with a drill which had helped them on their World Championship title pursuit.

After a tiring but exciting day of training, the session was over. Before bowing out, Master Nicholls closed the class with an inspiring speech which I feel left everyone humbled and proud to be a part of such a supportive group that is the UKITF. We each paid our respects to the Masters Present, Mr Hollingsworth for his tuition throughout the day and of course to the founder General Choi Hong Hi.

The day over, it was now time to relax and look forward to our evening awards night. Arriving promptly at 7pm, it was heart-warming to watch as people turned up in their finest dinner wear, enjoy a drink and conversing amongst the crowds. This once again showed just how professionally run and well supported the UKITF has become!!

After a lovely meal and short video reels from each region, it was time to present the NATIONAL AWARDS……….

Win or lose, a great time was had by all and as band played throughout the night it was lovely to talk amongst friends, dance and be merry until the early hours of the morning. We would like to sends our thanks and appreciation to the UKITF executive committee for hosting such a wonderful day, Master Nicholls for his continual involvement and guidance and of course to all the members that supported the day, whom without the event would not have been the success it was.

We look forward to seeing you all at next year’s award night!!!!

Written by: UK ITF Admin - 19th February 2015

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