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7th Internationl Master Class with Master Trevor Nicholls in Czech Republic
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On 10th and 11th January, Czech Taekwon-Do Association hold already the 7th Master class and meeting event. Conducted by ITF Secretary General, Grand Master Trevor Nicholls IX.DAN. In this important meeting took part except Czech republic countries like England, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Wales.

On Friday, the 9th January first participants arrived to Znojmo. At 4PM airplane with GM Nicholls has landed in Vienna. GM Trevor Nicholls, accompanied by Mr. Kevin McCabe VI.DAN was welcomed by Mr. Frantisek Macek, president of Czech ITA and Jan Prochazka, secretary of Czech ITA. In following meeting report of Czech ITA and upcoming Master Class have been discussed and friendly discussion continued also during the dinner.

On Saturday at 10AM GM Nicholls was welcomed by all master class participants. After birthday congratulating to Mrs. Iris Galinski III.DAN from Germany and Mr. Eduard Liska III.DAN from Czech republic, the seminar has begun with warm up. First part was devoted to attack and defense. During the day, we have learned how to use many different techniques in one step sparring as well as in real situations, in the last part of the first day we have put on gear protection have used the chance to practice in intensive sparring.

In the evening the officials of all ITAs and ITF have met together on common dinner, where friendship relations have been strengthened.

Sunday – the next part of master class was dedicated to patterns. Under the leading of GM Trevor Nicholls, VI. DAN degree holders have started with Tong-Il, then IV.DAN holders have joined for practicing Yon-Gae, Ul-Ji, Moon-Moo patterns and then III.DAN holders joined for Sam-Il, Yoo-Sin, Choi-Yong patterns finally joined by  II.DAN holders for practicing Eui-Am, Choong-Jang, Ko-Dang patterns. At the same time, Instructor Kevin McCabe has practicing with I.DAN holders all cup patterns and also Choong-Moo, Kwang-Gae,  Po-Eum, Ge-Baek patterns. It the end of the Master Class, GM Nicholls has appointed Mr. Zeljko Gvozdic, president Slovenia Taekwon-Do ITA for VII.DAN which was warmly accepted by all participants. During the seminar, we had great opportunity to learn and exercise proper techniques and understand their meaning. At the end all attendees leaved home pretty tired but really happy to have chance to meet, learn and practice together.

Demanding day was ended with farewell dinner and on the next day in the morning, GM Nicholls leaved together with Mr. McCabe and Mr. Macek to Vienna airport to get plane to London.

Allow me to thank to Grand Master Trevor Nicholls for his devotion and motivation to all Taekwondists. Especially thanks to people like MG Nicholls the Czech school but also school sin other countries, can be successful on international field. We are honored by the fact that GM Nicholls devoted us his valuable time in his time consuming program between seminars in Malaysia and South Africa.

Special thanks belongs also to our friend Kevin McCabe for his contribution.

We already look forward to meet you all on 8th International seminar with GM Trevor Nicholls in Znojmo in January in 2016. 


Frantisek Macek   

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Written by: Czech Taekwon-Do Association INO348 - 16th January 2015

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