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Pro-Taekwon Workshop led by Region 1 Coach Jamie McAvoy
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With members from Region 1, Region 4 and Scotland Region 1 in attendance the stage was set for a very productive day of ProTaekwon training led by Instructor and Competitor Jamie McAvoy. The workshop was not only a great opportunity to train amongst fellow UKITF members but gave each of us a chance to revisit and run through the exciting PTK Syllabus.

Over what was a gruelling 4 hours of training, Mr McAvoy covered punching drills, blocking and defensive foot-work in great detail, leaving us all eager to return to our clubs with many new teaching ideas. But this was not simply a sit down seminar and it was not long before the agility ladders, medicine balls, slam balls and battle ropes emerged and we were all put through our paces.

With 5 current World Champions and 1 European Champ attending, it was a pleasure to be part of such a memorable event, and with the extensive sparing knowledge that Mr McAvoy had to offer, I feel we all left the workshop somewhat wiser than when we started.

On behalf of Pro-Taekwon we would like to thank all the coaches that made the journey down to our head office to attend the days training, it is of course down to your continually support and driven nature that Pro Taekwon has developed so quickly and will continue to flourish within our organisation. We would also like to thank Jamie McAvoy for taking the time to lead us through what was a thoroughly enjoyable (yet very tiring) workshop.

Written by: PTK Region 1 - 29th October 2014
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Article Feedback:

Jermaine Salosa : 29th October 2014, 21:37

Well done Mr McAvoy for being a coach of the PTK workshop!
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