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Master Nicholls, seminar and Degree grading
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12th October 2013




A seminar by Master Trevor Nicholls was held on the 12th October 2013 in Teignmouth, Devon, to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Teignbridge Taekwon-do, a school started by Mr Peter Hilditch and son Mr Ross Hilditch in 2003.


Students from around the South West of England were in attendance. Teignbridge TKD were happy to welcome Richards TKD of Cornwall and South Hams Martial Arts, to name a few, including a visit from Mrs Humphries.


After an intense warm-up, Master Nicholls provided an informative and enjoyable session on front kicks, snap kicks, downward and axe kicks, inward and outward vertical kicks. Both from the front and rear standing leg, with a chance to try the various kicks on pads and partners hands.


Students from grade 2 up to 5th Degree took part in the seminar which was, to say the least energetic.


A short lunch break followed. Then 12 students lined up for their Degree gradings. Five 1st Kups, six 1st Degrees and one 2nd Degree. (Ages ranging from 13 – 48).


On completion of the grading Master Nicholls congratulated all the Instructors on their integrity and openness, as they could have graded their own students. He said that by UKITF attending the grading, the benchmark of standards set were continued across the board and recognised worldwide.  In turn Master Nicholls read everyones name out and congratulated all on their passes, and the high standard maintained.


Later a presentation meal was held in Chi, Kenton, which was attended by 51. Master Nicholls presented new belts to 8 of the newly graded Degree students. Once again, friendships across the different clubs were made and re-enforced.


Teignbridge Taekwon-do Schools would like to thank Master Nicholls for his excellent seminar and for joining us during the evening’s celebrations. We would also like to thank Mr Mark Richards, Mrs Wendy Richards, Ms Lesley McGhie, Mr Peter Smith and their students.


Photographs courtesy of Natalie Ferris Photography.

Written by: Cheryl Matthews - 7th November 2013

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