On behalf of Master Nicholls and the UK ITF we would like to show our thanks and appreciation for Master Rastra Rai who took the time to travel down and aid Reece Nicholls in his preparations for the second stage of the Olympic trials. Over two intense training sessions Master Rastra Rai not only offered a wealth of knowledge on WTF rules and tactics but left Reece with a new found arsenal of offensive and defensive drills.
Alongside Master Rastra Rai were a number of willing students that also travelled down to train with Reece and sharpen up his sparring techniques. This was very productive for Reece who left feeling confident and eager to compete in the up and coming trails in April.
Along with Reece Nicholls we would like to wish Nicola Barke, Brad Robertson and Joshua Harris the best of luck in the next stage of Battle for Brazil, we are sure they will do the UK ITF proud.