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Training Expedition to UK-ITF Headquarters, London
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January presented an opportunity to travel from Edinburgh, Scotland to the recently renovated UK-ITF Headquarters in London for a three day training experience with Master Nicholls and his students.


During the first day, Master Nicholls focused his teachings on kup grade tul and pre-arranged ITF sparring exercises. Patiently taking time to improve a variety of techniques whilst giving a detailed account of why certain movements are performed in specific manners. The afternoon saw our efforts being concentrated on fundamental movements and UK-ITF kicking drills and the night of the first evening was spent in classes that focused on kup and degree based students with the help of Mr Matthew Brunger.


An early start the following morning permitted a trip to Bristol, where I had an opportunity to train with a number of senior members from the UK-ITF, including four ITF Masters. The lesson was conducted by Master Nicholls and I found that the dedicated atmosphere helped me focus on black belt tul, with the added benefit of being surrounded by only senior students of Taekwon-Do. Something I believe is quite unique to the UK-ITF. During the afternoon, the majority of training took place at the new UK-ITF Headquarters in Yiewlsey along side Mr Mathew Brunger, Mr Jamie McAvoy and Master Nicholls. Using this time to sharpen, and in some instances correct, ITF technique in tul and pre-arranged sparring such as 1-step, 2-step, 3-step and semi-free kicking and sparring exercises. For the remainder of the evening, I took part in a number of classes headed by Mr Matthew Brunger, which focused on fight conditioning and sparring. Some great hand work was taught and the value of weaving, bobbing and slipping so that competitors stay in range during combat was practised and delivered with clarity.


The final day of training was spent reviewing the standardised UK-ITF teaching/testing syllabus. This was particularly valuable to me as I used this particular session to check that Scottish students are being taught not only the ITF syllabus correctly, but also the exhausting UK-ITF specific kicking and self-defence drills. During late afternoon and early evening, I was delighted to be able to train in the main classes, providing an excellent opportunity to train alongside Miss Laurie Cornwell, Miss Terry Humphries, Miss Ashley Nicholls, Mr Luke Dempsey, the Sidhu Clan and a host of new and promising kup grade students who knocked out some impressive pad work.


Overall the trip was of great benefit and I would like to thank everyone at the Headquarters for making me welcome throughout my stay in London, and again to Miss Ashley Nicholls, Miss Terry Humphries, Mr Matthew Brunger and Mr Jamie McAvoy for giving up their own private time to make my airport and hotel transfers effortless. My highest regards go to Master Nicholls for juggling his exhaustive schedule and ensuring that I could train, learn and benefit from each and every day spent at the London Headquarters.


Yours in Taekwon-Do,


Mr Peter Scott – IV Degree

UK-ITF Scotland (Region 1)

Written by: Peter Scott - 1st February 2012
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Article Feedback:

Glenn Horan : 1st February 2012, 18:26

Sounds like you had a great time. Congratulations again Mr Scott.
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