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Irish ITF at the European Championships in Naples
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Three members of Irish I.T.F. travelled to the recent European Championships which were hosted by Master Troiana in Naples. Ireland had one of the smallest teams in attendance, however, small in numbers does not mean small in stature, as it would turn out.

The competition was held over three days and first to compete was Junior Adrian Kennelly from Redking Taekwon Do. He performed well in Patterns and Sparring and narrowly missed out on a medal in Power Breaking.

Ireland had three representatives in the Adult sections for Patterns, Sparring, Power and Special Techniques. Ruairi O'''' Brien and Felix Finke from Redking Taekwon Do together with Irish I.T.F. assistant instructor John O'Connor. All three of the lads performed really well in such elite company, John progressed to round two in both Patterns and Sparring before losing out to opponents from Team UK. Ruairi secured a Silver Medal in Patterns behind Team UK and Felix performed really well in the Special Techniques.

Irish I.T.F. instructors Mick Flaherty and Bernadette Doyle were Irelands representatives in the Senior (+35yrs) sections. Bernadette secured a Gold medal in Sparring after her opponent withdrew and then went on to take Silver in Patterns before getting a second Silver in the Power Breaking. Mick Flaherty also proved his metal with three exceptional performances in his sections. He secured Ireland's first Gold medal in 5th Degree Patterns ahead of Sweden and Team UK, then after beating Holland in the semi final he lost narrowly to Germany in the -64Kgs Lightweight Sparring section. With two medals in the bag Mick entered the Power Breaking as the lightest and smallest competitor but still managed to secure a Bronze medal behind Moldova and Bulgaria.

With six medals being won by members of Irish I.T.F. we have shown that the hours of hard training, endless dieting and determination stood to our members, and once again it has been proven that the level at which the Wexford Taekwon Do school operates is very definately world class.

Written by: Michael Flaherty - 28th October 2011
[Comments: 3]

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Article Feedback:

Leanne Gassor-Jones : 28th October 2011, 18:54

Excellent results Mick & Bernie for you & Ireland! A big well done to you all from everyone at Gassor's Taekwon-do Wales :-)
Christopher Devine : 28th October 2011, 12:54

Well done folks - great to see your hardwork paying off! Hope to see you at a comp soon! :)
Mark Skyrme ( UK ITF) : 28th October 2011, 09:26

Great to see our Irish friends winning on the international stage. Any pictures?
Pictures have shown up, that makes it 10/10
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