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What a brilliant weekend, Teignbridge Taekwon-do had 7 students entered over the two days.

Saturday, saw two Juniors and two Senior Students enjoying the competition.

Medal tally at the end of the day :-

1st kup Miss Megan Mayhew Gold Sparring

               Mrs Cheryl Matthews Bronze Patterns &Silver Sparring

3rd kup Mrs Carol Searle         Bronze Patterns

8th kup Miss Shannon Pook  Bronze Patterns

This was Miss Pook''s first tournament, well done on achieving a Bronze Medal ma''am.

An evening of socialising and a Chinese meal followed ...ending in the early hours.......!!!!

Sunday, saw three Students competing,

Medal tally at the end of the day :-

1st kup Mr Toby Broom           Bronze Sparring

              Mr Jake Broom           good competitor.

              Mr Mitchell Searle       Silver Sparring

Well done to everyone.

It is wonderful to meet up with Students from other clubs, and renew friendships from previous competitions.

Another well organised and smoothly run competition, the P A system was fantantic and very clear.

Many thanks to all the Organisers at UKITF, Master Nicholls and the excellent support team and Umpires. Also, thank you to our instructor Mr Peter Hilditch for his tireless support to all his Students and families that travelled to support everyone.

Teignbridge Taekwon-do Students are looking forward to next year''s competitions...

14th October 2011
[Comments: 1]

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Article Feedback:

Mark Skyrme ( UK ITF) : 14th October 2011, 11:29

Glad you enjoyed!
See you at the next one...
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